Tindalos Galleries Links Page

This is the Links page for Steve Milner's Tindalos. If you would like your site included here, please contact me (see below), and give me the details of the site for consideration. Please add a link back to this site on your site and let me know the page on your site I can find that link on. Paste the code below into your site.
<a href="http://www.tindalos.co.uk"><img src="http://www.tindalos.co.uk/images/Banner.gif" alt="Steve Milner's Tindalos"></a>
Any of the images here can be used freely for personal or educational uses, although if published, please credit this site. For commercial use, please contact me (below) to discuss the use of these images. Most images are available for commercial use, and will be high resolution, without my signature
If you would like to make comments, please add to the Tindalos guestbook or if you wish to drop Steve Milner an email click here. I would enjoy hearing from you.