About Me
Hello. I'm Steve Milner. You may know me from several areas, including my High Orbit Galleries. This place is a little different. I'm exploring some of the darker aspects of photography, over time I hope to build a darker set of galleries to rival my High Orbit galleries. I am collecting people and places (and possibly people in places) that should generate a sense of something a little disturbed. I have been into horror fiction for almost all of my life, and enjoyed that side of literature. The name of this gallery, Tindalos, is from the Cthulhu mythos and is in fact a hound.
"They are lean and athirst!" he shrieked... "All the evil in the universe was concentrated in their lean, hungry bodies. Or had they bodies? I saw them only for a moment, I cannot be certain." —Frank Belknap Long, "The Hounds of Tindalos"
I would love to continue this work, and if you share a similar passion for the dark and macabre, and wouldn't mind being a photography model, shot (pardon the pun) in a graveyard or similar please do get in touch.